State Rep. Jay DeBoyer is opposing legislation that undermines the ability of local clerks to preserve accurate vital records while creating unnecessary confusion.
House Bills 5300-03 would allow a person to indicate a different sex designation of their choosing for a driver’s license, state ID or new birth certificate with no additional documentation or certification required.
DeBoyer, who served as clerk and register of deeds for St. Clair County for 12 years prior to serving in the Legislature, said gender identity elements within the bills go too far with certain vital records.
“Being able to change your gender to one that is different to what was on a live birth certificate would cause confusion and jeopardize the legitimacy and accuracy of a record,” said DeBoyer, of Clay Township. “This would undoubtedly create hassles and backlogs as clerks attempt to carry out their legally assigned duties, such as overseeing elections and finances.
“The role of our local clerks has been made consistently tougher throughout this legislative term, not more efficient.”
The legislation was introduced in November and is currently under consideration in the House Judiciary Committee.

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