Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Bollin denounces hateful, divisive speech
RELEASE|February 16, 2024
Contact: Ann Bollin

Resolution, invocation encourage thoughtful speech, compassion for others

State Rep. Ann Bollin, R-Brighton Township, continues to advocate for an end to hateful speech and divisive rhetoric, this week voting in favor of a resolution denouncing words designed to fuel hate and division.

Bollin also offered an inspirational invocation to kick off House session on Wednesday, the day the resolution was adopted.

“Our state and national leaders must recognize the significant impact their words can have on the people they represent,” Bollin said. “Hate-filled rhetoric and divisive speech are counterproductive. All of our elected officials should strive to communicate with kindness rather than hostility, demonstrating patience instead of resorting to anger. By fostering understanding and respect, even when ideological differences are present, we will cultivate an environment where we can all serve our communities better.”

House Resolution 191 received overwhelming bipartisan support in the House.


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