Michigan House Republicans
Gratitude in adversity
RELEASE|November 23, 2023

By: State Rep. Pauline Wendzel

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It’s a time for families and friends to gather to enjoy a warm meal, watch the Lions, and give thanks for all our blessings.

As we celebrate this holiday, I’m reminded of President Lincoln’s Thanksgiving proclamation. In a time of uncertainty, with loved ones at war and cities under siege, he urged gratitude. Lincoln’s ability to appreciate the good during adversity serves as a touching lesson.

 This Thanksgiving let’s express gratitude for all that we have and for all our local heroes: first responders, healthcare professionals, truck drivers, and store clerks sacrificing family time for our well-being. Even simple acts, like a friendly neighbor or a helpful store door-holder, contribute to the fabric of goodness.

While some might label me an optimist, Thanksgiving encourages reflection on life’s positives. Despite enduring debates and differing values, the essence of the holiday endures. Lincoln’s proclamation, echoing almost 160 years later, remains a powerful reminder to embrace gratitude amid challenges. Let’s take a moment to be thankful for the goodness that surrounds us, appreciating the unsung heroes and small gestures that make life brighter. I hope you and your family enjoy this time together and reflect on the many blessings we have in this country.  As always, if there is anything I can ever do to be of service to you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at 517-373-1799 or at PaulineWendzel@house.mi.gov

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